
YW-806SC-AI 智能數據管控雙層自動無車縫熱壓機

Artificial Intelligence Controlling System No-Sew Autom...
技術參數/ Specifications :
機器型號 Model  YW-806SC-AI
電壓 Power Voltage  AC 380V 3Φ
電源入力 Input Power  25KVA
馬力 Horse Power  1/4 HP
工作面積 Hot Plate Work Area 600*700MM (or to be you request)
下壓行程 Press Route  250MM
機器淨重 Net Weight  Approx.850 KG
最大壓力 Max Press force  18T
機器尺寸Machine Size  170*120*150 CM

特性/ Features:

1. 智能數據管控功能/Artificial Intelligence Controlling System

2. 加大的工作面,可一次擺放多量的物料,增加單次的加工生產量。
The extra space of working plates not only able to contain large amount of processing input but also helps increasing production efficiency within a single run.

3.本機設計新型SSR 溫控模組 可讓操作人員直接在觸控螢幕上快速方便的設定需求溫度,同時提供更穩定的溫控系統。
This machine is designed with new SSR temperature controlling system, which not only provides fast and easy temperature setting on touch screen monitor, but also being able to control the temperature in stable range.

4.雙層設計,節省了等候單層設計加工時的時間,可在送進第一工作面後,馬上擺放第二工作面的物料 。
Double layer design aims to increase the productivity by minimizing processing time. Operator can place another load of input material on the second working plate while the first station is processing.

5.本機裝置出力大 的增壓缸,也節省液壓油的使用 。
This machine adopts pneumatic/oil converting boost cylinder which offers great press force while requiring less hydraulic oil for operating.

6.自動送料設計,操作者可遠離加工時可能潛在的傷害 。
The automatically loaded plates of this machine help operators to avoid potential harm of processing.

7.上下模獨立電腦界面控制,提供了全數位化的設定,提高了加工所需要的精準度,提升品質 。
Both upper and lower plates are independently managed by computerized control and digitalized setting. This machine aims for precise data setting while providing better quality of outputs.